Sunday, November 4, 2012

The SOTA Team Reboot

We are now celebrating as we have completed the Reboot program—a juicing feast with 30 days of juicing as our goal. Here is the blog spot we wrote at the beginning of this adventure including information about the DVD titled Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, that was our initial inspiration:

Another Source That Inspired Us

We would like to acknowledge another source that has inspired us—a TED talk by Dr. Terry Wahls, a medical doctor. As a result of gradual deterioration from multiple sclerosis that confined Dr. Wahls to a wheelchair, she decided to try a more natural approach. Dr. Wahls research led her to conclude our cells are starving. The diets of our ancestors were much richer in nutrients—their native diets gave them more vitamins, minerals and many substances in vegetables and fruits that science has not yet identified. Dr. Wahls refers to these substances as “micronutrients.” How could she get enough micronutrients? What did she need to eat? She had to eat 9 cups of vegetables each day. She did and it worked! Her body responded and the effects of multiple sclerosis were reversed.

How did we do?

Two of us completed a whopping 60-day juicing Reboot program, one completed 40-days, one 35-days and all but two have completed 30-days. The two team members that didn’t complete a full Reboot, chose to do a modified Reboot incorporating juicing almost daily. Liquids which the team added, in addition to juicing, included purified water, herbal teas, coconut water, and some healthy oils.

What improvements did we experience?

Weight Loss
For several of us, losing weight was a major motivator to stay the course … shedding from 22 to 31 pounds. Those who didn’t need to lose weight, lost very little by comparison. One of us was disappointed in the amount of weight shed but was consoled by the number of inches lost. Another was pleased with how her body has reshaped itself for the better.

Better Health
Among the improvements we’ve experienced are skin conditions cleared, sinuses and breathing improved, joint stiffness, achiness cleared, better digestion and mentally more alert.

Eating healthier
The reboot changed our eating habits:
·        We are eating smaller portions and more fresh foods.
·        We were disappointed that foods we previously enjoyed didn’t taste as great as anticipated or the body reacted negatively.
·        We recognized how foods are triggers for sensitivities or allergies so we are each more aware of identifying foods to avoid.
·        Many of us continue to juice at least some days along with one or more meals.

Emotional health
We each feel good about ourselves for having completed a goal. One of the team shared …
In a lot of the modalities I have studied, they teach you that your body registers and stores emotions all throughout the tissues and organs of your body. When you are fasting, your body goes through many changes and fat cells are being removed and cleansed and, with that, suddenly all those stored emotions have to move as well. I remember my first experience of actually feeling this … I suddenly got the overwhelming urge to cry, whereas then I felt RAGE erupt all through my body—my body was finally able to process the emotions I had stuffed down there for who knows how long! I just wanted to share that little bit because fasting is usually discussed in terms of our PHYSICAL body and you rarely hear about our emotional body's experience as well. They really go hand in hand!

What were the hurdles?

Almost everyone experienced those first few ‘difficult’ days of wavering on whether to continue or chomp into a favorite food. From there the main hurdles were: keeping busy to overcome the mind’s desire to stop the Reboot; the desire to chew; the monotony of juicing; cleaning the juicer; social occasions; craving near the end for protein.

What made the juice feast easier?

Team support
We all appreciated the support of the team—including a chart on the wall. Amazing how good it can feel to place a star to mark the completion of each day of the feast. And sometimes, not wanting to let the team down by dropping out was a motivator.

Other things that helped: drinking enough juice, blending fresh fruit in the evening for a treat; support of a spouse or friend; gathering recipes and planning for a healthier diet after the Reboot.

Reboot again?

Will we do a Reboot again? Most of us foresee doing a modified reboot—rather than 30-days or more, more likely for 2 weeks at a time. Juicing seems the best way to give our bodies enough micronutrients so everyone plans to include some juicing as part of our lifestyle.